Sunday, January 8, 2012

Practical Self-Defense for Women

!±8± Practical Self-Defense for Women

Violent crimes are becoming a very frequent topic on the daily news. Instances of Home Invasions, kidnapping, rape and assault are rising at a steady rate in many areas and cold-hearted criminals tend to see women as easy targets. I am writing this article to share with the reader some of the most effective and crafty self-defense concepts for women to understand in this day and age.

Many women are turned off by the idea of carrying a folding knife or pocketknife. Carrying a knife everyday is not only practical for utility purposes, but there are several "non-lethal" self-defense techniques that you might not be aware of. Did you know that your knife could actually make your punches several times more effective? To demonstrate this, keep the folding knife in the closed position. Now simply grasp the closed folding knife with a closed fist and leave a couple of inches of the handle exposed at the bottom of your clenched fist. If you were to punch an attacker in the head or face with the exposed piece of your knife handle in a self-defense situation, it would hurt them much more than a standard punch. If you are interested in this self-defense method, I especially recommend the "Striking pommel" feature that many knife companies offer for this specific purpose on their folding knives.

Kicking or striking a man in the groin is often times though of as taboo. I would advise the reader though, that there are few self-defense tactics that are as effective as this one. If you're being attacked by a man and have the ability to strike him in the groin, do it! Doing this numerous times should take the attackers focus off of trying to harm you and onto the horrible pain that they have in their groin.

Never underestimate the power of the eyes and of vision. Anything that you can do to disrupt an attacker's eyesight is in your best interest. This can mean either punching or striking in the eye, or throwing something at your attackers' face in hopes of taking their focus off of you and unto the object flying rapidly at their face. Take advantage of any opening that you see when the attackers' eyes switch focus off of you and unto the diversion that you threw at them.

Pepper spray can be a very powerful self-defense tool for women. There are many convenient shapes and sizes that pepper spray bottles come in. You can purchase a canister of pepper spray that looks exactly like a pen and keep it neatly inside of your purse for the purpose of self-defense. Keep in mind that such a small container will probably not have the velocity or shooting power as a large pepper spray bottle like the ones seen on "Cops" or "Dog The Bounty Hunter". I recommend purchasing a large container of pepper spray with much more shooting power for your home or where portability is not an issue.

The concepts in this article should come in handy if you are ever in a situation that requires physical self-defense. Applying these concepts in a real-life scenario could be the difference between life and death.

Practical Self-Defense for Women

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